Last time I was in Lens Crafters picking out some glasses, I happened to notice the mirrors the have on the walls are posted a little high. Now I'm not a short guy at 5'11" and 3/4, and I still noticed the height. I thought "What about the poor short people of the world", then the song about "Short people got no reason to live" popped into my head and I thought about the show "Little People Big World" and who might sue because Lens Crafters makes short people feel inadequate with the height of their mirrors. Then it hit me. They do that so you'll raise your chin and see yourself in a more flattering pose. I noticed because instead of looking at the frames, I was reminded how good looking I am, even if I have gained 30lbs since I was active duty. And that's the thing, the raised chin and slightly higher angle erased the extra chin that's been creeping in below the real one.
Recently I was on a video shoot and someone said to the subject being interviewed "Dont ever let someone shoot down on you. It makes you look less important." He's right to an extent, but that effect takes a pretty dramatic angle. That guy had a little of that Napoleon thing goin on anyway so I didn't argue. I just set my camera at a slightly higher angle and everyone's happy. It doesn't have to be noticeably higher, just high enough to accentuate the jawbone.
So next time you're in a mall, stop into the Lens Crafters and see what I'm talking about.