So I taught a photography workshop Sat. evening. I didn't post anything about it here, 'cause I didn't want anyone to see me in case I fell on my face. I think I did pretty well though. I followed guys who were talking about small flashes. They mostly talked about gear and technical ideas and I demonstrated lighting scenarios.
I had my big backgrounds and studio strobes and started with the basic 3 point lighting setup where you set your main exposure with one main light, then fill the shadows with a light a half to three quarters stop less than the main, and a back light no brighter than your main light.
The next setup I went through was the standard glamour setup, the butterfly light. One soft main light upper and a soft lower fill light (a half to full stop less than the main) directly above and below the camera at about a half to full stop difference.
The last setup I demonstrated was the newer trendy style I've been seeing alot of lately: Two hard light's 45 degrees behind the subject equal exposure value as the main soft light directly above the camera.
People really seemed to be interested in what I was talking about. They were really paying attention to what I was doing (at times better than I was when I forgot to plug my camera into the lights). They asked good challenging questions to which I was able to give good answers. Some of the students you could tell had just bought their camera, and others had been shooting longer than me, but had never had the opportunity to use studio lights.
I had a really good time teaching. I'd like to do more of it.
Very cool!
hmm like the lighting in #2 the best but hard pressed to see that it makes a huge difference :)
Are you gonna be doing this more often?
I'd like to do more teaching/workshops. I dont know if I'm well known enough to be in demand, but if there's an opportunity, I'd love to!
Sometimes the subtle differences make a world of a difference. This model was great in that she looks good with any type of lighting.
Hey! I'm glad to hear it went well! :)
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