Here's Pat:

Amy hates me calling him/her Pat. She says it reminds her of the Saturday Night Live skit. The baby's real name will be Caroline (middle name to be determined, either Marie or Grace. My vote's for Marie) or Charles Jackson (C.J. or Jack).
Anyway, Pat and Amy are doing well. Amy's still tired all the time, but seems to have more bursts of energy lately. She's going to Texas this week for a church food service conference so hopefully she'll be well enough to participate and learn what she needs.
Amy's due January 15th. I'm hoping Pat will come about 2 weeks early so we can claim him/her on our tax returns! Start the baby pool! I'm taking bets on the due date.
I've got two amazing little boys so it'd be nice to have a "daddy's girl". At the same time, I know how amazingly fun boys are. If we have a couple more boys, we can start a hockey team!
So anyway, start ordering those prints from my last post. Proceeds go towards having a new baby!
Aww, what a cute fetus! Whenever I'm pregnant Phil calls it "festus or Festina" which I also hate. Amy, I feel your pain!
We had friends that always called their fetus, Cleatus. Clever, huh.
Anyway, what a cute little peanut!
I can already tell he/she is a cutie! I'm going to guess girl because I don't want Isabelle to be the lone girl with a bunch of all boy cousins!!! :)
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